Community Dad Winners
Thank you for helping us uncover these local legends and show them our gratitude on Father's Day!
From investing hundreds of hours to coach the local junior team; to getting up early every weekend to paint fresh lines on the pitch; to raising funds for new equipment and keeping community sport alive, Australia’s dads are true unsung heroes.
The annual Community Sports Dad of the Year award is designed to reward the contributions and positive impact that Australian dads make to their families and community both on and off the sporting field.
This year marks our winner first South Australian dad to win the award, father of three, Nathan Butler. Nathan has been acknowledged with the national Award, recognising his outstanding contribution to sport in Mount Gambier region, Nathan went onto say;
“I’m deeply honoured to receive this award. It’s humbling, especially knowing how many parents dedicate their time and energy to support local sporting clubs across Australia.
“Being in a rural area, sport brings the community together, and for smaller towns, sporting clubs are the heartbeat all year round. The smiles on the kids’ faces and seeing their development in the sport makes all the effort worthwhile.”

One reason Australia is so successful on the global sports stage is because of the number of incredible people who do all they can to ensure there is an opportunity for locals of all ages to participate in sport at their community club.
Speaking about his own experience with community sport champion Australian cricketer David Warner said ”When I was a kid who was involved in my many sports growing up. I played cricket, league, union. I enjoyed tennis and surfing as well. I was always on the move. However without many parents support this wouldn’t have been possible. It’s important to recognise a dad that continually gives up his time to coach his kids sporting team, or to the dad that drives his kids to school each day or whatever it may be. All dads are legends”.